'Corner Guy' Steals Spotlight From Ted Cruz's All-Night Speech
You might have seen the filibuster-esque all-night speech that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) gave. Cruz started the speech Tuesday afternoon, and his purpose was to advocate the defunding of the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare." The
speech included a reading from the Dr. Seuss book "Green Eggs and Ham"
and lines quoted from the reality show "Duck Dynasty." But during what
Cruz was presenting as a political statement, eyes were fixed instead on
this man of mystery, dubbed by the Internet as "Corner Guy."
poured in obsessing over him. Some are comparing him to the character
Milton from the movie "Office Space" and the guy from the GoDaddy
commercials. And as usual, they demanded to know who he is.
helped fill in the blanks. It turns out Corner Guy is actually John R.
Ellis IV, Ted Cruz's legal counsel. Here's his Facebook page and a
picture of him on the beach and even one of him with his puppy. Corner
Guy might bring up fond memories of "Cubicle Guy" made famous by the Web
during Anthony Weiner's press conference in August.
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