Five Things to Know Before the ‘Scandal’ Season Three Premiere
‘Scandal’ may be TV’s most exhilarating drama. It also may be its most confusing. To get ready for Thursday’s season three premiere, here are the five biggest plot points from season two.
political-drama-soap-opera-romantic-thriller is absolutely bonkers. In a
given episode, a sex tape will be revealed, a main character will have a
heart attack, the President and the First Lady will break up and get
back together, and someone will try to kill Kerry Washington. The screen
cuts to black. You breathe a sigh of relief. Then you have the
realization that this isn’t the end of the episode, but just the first
commercial break.
To call Scandal
TV’s wildest series would be true, but also a gross understatement of
the level of transfixing craziness the drama serves up week after week.
Starring Kerry Washington as D.C. crisis manager Olivia Pope, wearer of
the District’s most immaculate wardrobe, each episode of Scandal
merges a weekly case—the “scandal” of the week, if you will—with the
torrid tale of Pope’s hot-and-cold-and-then-scalding-and-then-frigid
love affair with the (very married) President of the United States (Tony
Goldwyn). There’s also an election-rigging cover-up, a mole in the
White House, and a top-secret government organization that’s attempting
to assassinate the show’s lead, to name a few of the high-octane plot
Thanks to a massive following of Gladiators (the name adopted by Scandal fans)
who tweet about each episode with a ferocity that rivals the show’s own
pacing, the series was one of network TV’s biggest breakout hits last
season. With season three set to begin Thursday night, and so many
cliffhangers and plot lines to resolve, here’s a cheat sheet of
everything you need to remember before tuning in.
1. Olivia Chooses Work Over Love
the ups and downs of Olivia’s affair with President Grant (better known
as “Fitz”) is a ride that requires copious amounts of Dramamine. But
when the finale begins, they are very much together. First Lady Mellie
Grant has moved out of the White House, rejected by Fitz. He’s so
committed to Olivia that he tells her he’s going to win a second term
and move her into the White House as his girlfriend, maybe even his new
President’s chief of staff—and Olivia’s close friend—Cyrus is unhappy
with this plan, convinced that Fitz can never be re-elected without
Mellie by his side. Olivia tells Cyrus about the attempt on her life,
telling him, “I know who it was and I know why and I don’t care. Fitz
and I are going to be together.” Cyrus, however, has other plans—and has
other secrets to reveal. He shows Fitz a sex tape that Olivia had
(unknowingly) made with Jake (Scott Foley), a man the president had
hired to keep her safe. He reveals to Olivia that Fitz killed her close
friend Verna (Debra Mooney), a co-conspirator in the election rigging,
after Verna, on her deathbed, told him that she was going to go public
confessing the fraud.
the final minutes of the finale episode, Olivia makes the decision to
leave Fitz. She realizes everything is out of control: her relationship
and the lengths she’s forced her co-workers to go to cover up the
scandals. She rules that she can’t abandon her co-workers: “They need
me. I’m their Gladiator.” She tells Fitz to run for president again with
Mellie on his arm.
2. Someone Is Trying to Have Olivia Killed
(remember him, the one from the sex tape?) is a Navy buddy of Fitz’s
who he hires to spy on Olivia—as well as protect her—while they’re
broken up. Jake also, it turns out, is a member of a top-secret killer
CIA division named B-613, which hired him to sway Olivia away from Fitz.
Part of that mission included wooing her, and the two eventually have
sex, the proof of which is captured on surveillance cameras Jake sets up
around Olivia’s apartment. Jake ends up genuinely falling for Olivia.
So when B-613’s head honchos order a hit on her, Jake puts himself at
risk with the dangerous organization to save her. When we last see Jake,
he’s being thrown into a holding cell by Rowan, the B-613 commander.
3. The Election-Rigging Scandal Is ‘Handled’
Rosen (Josh Malina) was the attorney hell-bent on uncovering the Grant
administration’s election-rigging scandal. In a nutshell (though nothing
on Scandal easily fits in a nutshell), through a series of
flashbacks throughout the season, we learn that Grant’s core campaign
team—which included Olivia, Cyrus, Mellie, Verna, and a skeezy Texas
power player named Hollis (Gregg Henry)—rigged election-voting machines
to ensure Grant’s victory, because they were nervous that he was
slipping in the polls. All of the information about their plan is kept
on a chip called the Cytron card, which is locked up in Olivia’s office.
and her Gladiators craftily shut Rosen down early on in the season,
effectively ruining his career. But he comes back into their lives after
being framed for murder and ends up living in their office while they
try to keep him out of harm’s way. While there, he gamely helps the team
“handle” a series of cases, including tracking down the person who ends
up, by the end of the season, stealing the Cytron card in order to
bring down the Grant presidency.
turns out, though, that it’s actually Rosen who steals the card. He’s
in cahoots with Billy Chambers, the government mole responsible for
multiple murders and the leaking of government secrets, and who wants
the Cytron card to finally get Grant out of office for good. While
meeting Chambers to hand over the Cytron card, Rosen gets him to confess
to all of these crimes. As it turns out, he was wearing a wire the
whole time and the card he gives him is a fake. In return for outing the
mole and handing back the Cytron card, Rosen gets Grant to appoint him
District Attorney.
4. The Affair Is Leaked
and Fitz’s affair was an open secret to almost everyone who worked in
the White House and on Olivia’s team. And though Mellie, in an attempt
to blackmail Fitz into getting back together, revealed in a TV interview
that the president had a mistress, she never actually named Olivia. In
the finale’s dramatic final moments, and the morning after breaking up
with Fitz, Olivia leaves her apartment to go for a run only to be
greeted by a throng of reporters asking her about her affair with the
president. Someone outed her. She can’t breathe (and neither can we).
5. “Dad?”
she stands dumbstruck while the swarm of reporters fire questions at
her, two thugs in suits grab her and drag her through the crowd into a
limo. Sitting across from her is Rowan, the B-613 commander who ordered
her assassination. She sees him and says the absolute, unequivocal,
without a doubt last thing any viewer of the show would ever expect her
to say: “Dad?”
And with that, happy viewing.
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